ASfAR Membership

ASfAR Membership Application Process

Membership Plans and Benefits

In order to qualify for ASfAR membership, fees must be paid biennially and an initial membership application must be submitted for review by the ASfAR Interim Committee.

Paying your membership fees for each 2-year membership period means our members:

  • can register and attend our biennial research conference and our state conferences free of charge during the membership period (i.e. they pay no conference registration fees, as these are included in their membership);
  • have free access to our ASfAR Institute webinar series and other related activities during their membership.

The membership fee also supports the ASfAR website, administration of subscriptions, membership etc.

The current membership period is from Jan 1 2025 – 31 Dec 2026. 

New or returning members need to apply or renew their membership for the full two-year membership period – no part-year memberships are granted.

Renew your membership now to take full advantage of the 2025-26 membership period and to register and attend our 2025 events and activities and our 2026 ASfAR Conference free of charge!


Paypal Payment Issues

If you live outside of Australia and want to become a member, please note that from time to time we experience some difficulties with our ASfAR international PayPal payments. If you have difficulties paying through PayPal, please email the ASfAR Treasurer ( who can send you our Bank Account details for an online transfer.

Full membership

Full Membership (General)

Full Members must have a relevant graduate degree from an accredited university, and have at least 3 recent publications in peer-reviewed journals relevant to autism, or a combination of equivalent alternatives such as a thesis, publications, and/or successful grant(s) for autism related research, to be judged by the Executive Committee. Alternatively, an individual may have other scientific credentials that they wish to submit to the Executive Committee for consideration for full membership.

To apply for Full Membership, please make your payment via PayPal by clicking the button below. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions to finalise the creation of your account.

To join as a full member will require you pay a fee of $240 for biennial membership.  Should your membership not be accepted, your fee will be refunded.

Full Membership (Autistic Researcher)

Full Membership (Autistic Researcher) is available for individuals who (i) have a formal diagnosis of autism by a qualified health professional (the diagnosis need only be asserted by the applicant and there will be no requirement to otherwise evidence); and (ii) are actively involved in autism research and (iii) have a relevant postgraduate degree from an accredited university; and (iv) have one or more autism-related peer-reviewed publications; or hold one or more grants in autism related research; or have a portfolio of autism research consultation or co-production; or have other such equivalent alternatives as assessed by the ExCo.

To apply for Full Membership (Autistic Researcher), please make your payment via PayPal by clicking the button below. To join for this membership, we require you pay a fee of $140 for biennial membership. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions to finalise the creation of your account. Should your membership not be accepted, your fee will be refunded.

Affiliate Membership status is available for individuals who have some association with autism, but who do not meet the necessary criteria for Full or Student Membership. Affiliate Members do not have voting rights.

To apply for Affiliate Membership, please make your payment via PayPal by clicking the button below. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions to finalise the creation of your account.

To join as an affiliate member will require you pay a fee of $140 for biennial membership.  Should your membership not be accepted, your fee will be refunded.

International membership

International Membership is available to individuals or organizations from countries other than the Asia-Pacific Region and who have some association with Autism. International Members do not have voting rights. Reduced fees apply to emerging economies.

To apply for International Membership, please make your payment via PayPal by clicking the button below. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions to finalise the creation of your account.

To join as an international member will require you pay a fee of $240 for biennial membership.  Should your membership not be accepted, your fee will be refunded.

Organisational membership

Organisations providing services to autistic people may become Organisational Members. Organisational Members do not have voting rights. Tertiary educational institutes are excluded from becoming Organisational Members.

To apply for Organisational Membership, please make your payment via PayPal by clicking the button below. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions to finalise the creation of your account.

To join as an organisational member will require you pay a fee of $500 for biennial membership.  Should your membership not be accepted, your fee will be refunded.

Student Members must be enrolled or must have been enrolled within the last three years in an undergraduate or postgraduate program and be undertaking or have been undertaking autism related research at an accredited university. Student Members do not have voting rights.

To apply for Student Membership, please make your payment via PayPal by clicking the button below. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions to finalise the creation of your account.

To join as a student member will require you pay a fee of $50 for biennial membership.  Should your membership not be accepted, your fee will be refunded.